Monday, November 11, 2013

Gramatik: My People (Dope First Electronic Concert!)

What a long overdue blog post! It's been a few days now since I last posted, and boy have I missed this therapeutic upchuck of my thoughts, music, and ramblings every night! 

I took a wee break to relax and catch up on things a bit, and I feel fresh, rejuvenated, and ready to settle into a nice healthy cycle of sleep deprivation once more! I kid, I kid... I had a full weekend of going to a Gramatik concert, drinking boba, exploring sushi boats, finding Engrish, volunteering, eating chestnuts (not a fan AT ALL), hiking, going to Lake Arrowhead, eating gigantic waffles, having cream soda, watching movies, running a half-marathon, and oh yeah, HAVING MY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY WITH MEGHAN! Who knew one weekend could be so incredible! I'm the luckiest man on the planet to have gotten to spend the last year with someone as special and wonderful as Meghan Proulx, and I have every confidence our incredible adventures will continue to be life changing! Happy Anniversary my love! 

I saw Gramatik this past Friday with my roommate and it was quite the experience. Neither of us having ever been to a more electronic concert before, we didn't quite know what to expect from the crowd, the performers, anything. We showed up at what we considered quite late, only 10 minutes before doors opened, because we were used to indie shows like Walk The Moon having lines around blocks even an hour before doors open. Alas, when we walked up, we were literally 2nd in line, which was uncanny. We got front row, on the fence spots, and then the insanity was unleashed! 

The openers Exmag were similar chill electro-soul like Gramatik, and their jazz guitarist was super cool and funky (turns out he's also in Gramatik) They played for a while and everyone was vibing and the atmosphere was pretty cool. Then suddenly, without the customary long while between sets while roadies set new instruments up and everything, the other opener started nearly instantly and things went bat-poop crazy! This DJ's name was Herobust, and he unleashed some of the grossest dubstep remixes I'd ever heard. At one point Perrin turned to me and exclaimed, "This is filthy!" As filthy as it was, it was hard not to get caught up in the raw energy of everyone raging around us, so it was actually pretty fun to just wiggle your body in the absolute weirdest and seizure-like motions imaginable for song after song. What the music lacked in originality and subtlety, it made up for in bass and raw energy! Certainly a good learning experience for what a massive EDM festival might be like. 

Finally, Gramatik came out, and the rest of the night was an amazingly trippy light show, complete with remarkably fun to dance to beats. A very interesting mixture of dubby and glitchy beats along with very chill jazz guitar and old-timey samples, every song was fresh and interesting. Definitely not what I was used to or expecting, but you can't complain about front row concert experiences! 

This song, 'My People', is actually a collaboration between fellow electro-soul artist Griz and Gramatik...hence Grizmatik. It's dope if I do say so myself! Super cool vocal distortions, and a very sick, unique sound that incorporates a lot of live instruments! Great drop at 1:06, "1,2,3. Grizmatik!" Enjoy! 
Snag a free download here! 

I just discovered this one called 'Just Creepin', and its beat is just waaaaaaaayyyyyyy to cool, creepy, and irresistible to let slide. Snag a download below!

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