Thursday, December 20, 2012

End Of The World (An array of apocalypse themed tunes!)

So the Mayan calendar ends tomorrow...whether you believe anything will happen or not (or are a debbie downer and are pointing out that nothing happened in Australia, where it's been the 21st all day) you can't deny the huge cultural impact this event has. 
Here's some apocalypse themed music to get you scared, get you dancing, get you through, and hopefully to ultimately still be played for many a year to come! 
Eh, screw the scaring you! Let's get right to the dancing. Love or hate her, Britney has a great end of the world song! 

There's also that Jay Sean song '2012' but I just can't bring myself to post that on here, look it up yourself if you must. 
So you're dancing, you're celebrating, yadda yadda, but now you pause for a second and you're like, "Damn, I don't really want to die...I wish Paul McCartney had some sad yet hopeful songs about accepting death". Well it's your lucky day (besides the whole 'end of days' business) because he does! Some not great whistling in the middle, but other than that, smashing! 
Now you're at that, "Well, it's too late to do anything about it at this point, it'll either happen or not, I should just find someone I love and we'll watch the world either crumble before our eyes, or hey!, be treated to a sunrise!" Luckily Said The Whale's got your back there too, with 'A Cold Night Close To The End'. 

I wish you all the fondest of Winter Solstices, be it our chaotic last, or just another in a long string of wondrous ones. I'll leave you with some pleasant end of the world photos! 

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