Monday, August 13, 2012

Blind Pilot

"The cheerful, easygoing music overpowered the crowd, and I was left smiling, singing, and unintentionally dancing."-Hannah Weiner, first time listener to Blind Pilot.

Smiling, singing, and unintentionally dancing have all occurred while listening to Blind Pilot, as have resting, running, and everything in between. They are the perfect soundtrack to any mood, any day, any activity.
First up is one of their most popular tracks, for good reason, Half Moon. Lovely lyrics, and a perfect demonstration of frontman Israel Nebeker's amazing vocals.
Next is my personal favorite of theirs, 3 Rounds and a Sound. Tranquil and filled with luscious harmonies, I put this one on repeat quite often.
Finally, Oviedo, another beautiful song, one of the many Blind Pilot must hears.
If you dig these three, check out their albums, which are both fantastic, and if you just want a few more key tracks, One Red Thread, Paint or Pollen, We Are the Tide, and The Story I Heard.


  1. hey hey hey i just saw them in concert :). they were super wonderful! the singer stands on tip toes whenever he sings.

    1. on his tip toes, rather. not random tip toes.

    2. I was really hoping that he asked for audience participation, for tip toe standing...
