Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hunter Hunted: Keep Together

Firstly, my thoughts go out to everyone affected by the tragedy in Boston today. Truly ghastly that such darkness could pervade an event that should be steeped only in joy. 

There were reports of runners finishing the marathon and not stopping as they ran to the hospital to donate blood to aid the victims. There are countless photos of volunteers and citizens running towards the explosions, ready to help and show compassion to their fellow human beings. This overwhelming care and concern for others is what will forever vanquish the minorities that act in hatred. Love and fellowship arise more widespread and more powerful than any anger or hatred, and that is what gives me hope. 

This song by Hunter Hunted asks that we all keep together and show a little love. Great vocals, lyrics, and a driving and powerful beat in the background that is addictive. I'm loving the harmonies between Dan Chang and Michael Garner, whose band name reflects how one moment your on top of the world, and the next at the bottom. Enjoy this great tune and show a little brotherhood and kindness! 

Finals may be tough everyone, but just keep together and muddle through and know summer is just around the corner!


  1. At the lib so I can't listen to te song, but LOVE what you wrote. Well said.... I couldn't agree with you more!

  2. Thanks so much Sparkle Faith. It's so awesome to get feedback on my stuff! It's also wonderful to be sharing more than just music or just words each day, its the blend of the two and how each complement the other that makes it so much fun!
