Monday, January 28, 2013

Crystal Fighters: Plage (Felix Cartal Remix)

In dire need of some Ukulele pop symphony with a tinge of electro trance? Heck, who isn't, you just couldn't adequately articulate that indescribable longing deep in your ears! Well luckily I want to go to the Plage with you, or at least allow you to take the trip down to the Plage yourself. What on god's good earth is a Plage you might ask? As it so happes, a Plage is:

A bright region on the sun caused by the light emitted by clouds of calcium or hydrogen and often                   associated with a sunspot.

So perhaps it would be wiser for us to not embark towards a literal Plage for the small inconveniences it might pose to our mortal coils, you know, incineration and all that...
Well you, beloved blog reader, can do the next best thing: listen to the song! Enjoy the poppy ukulele driven ditty which begs the question, "Do I dance in a hipster fashion to this song, or do I fist pump and douche myself out to its EDM elements?" You be the judge of that, I am merely the messenger! Enjoy! 

Damn...Little did I know how pleasant the original was...And here I was just providing you with a remix without ever hearing the original! I should be ashamed! You better listen to this one too!

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