Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Paper Kites: Featherstone

Why are things so beautiful!? How is there so much beauty and joy and love in the world and yet war and suffering and sorrow still exist? It just confounds me that hatred can endure even in the face of music. I honestly think if the whole world, for 4 minutes, all just listened to some great music, regardless of what song, just whatever made them happy and spoke to them, we would share something powerful...

Anyway, The Paper Kites are certainly one of those bands that I would play if I was trying to make the world listen. They're joyful, soft yet powerful, tender yet unafraid. They're great! And if I'm on the topic of war, I think that there is no conceivable form of battle that surpasses the pillow-fight in this music video! 'Featherstone' is just heart-wrenching! Indie-music appreciation (or rap-appreciation, or whatever-floats-your-boat-appreciation) should be taught in schools! Just beautiful! 
These wild kids muster for war in their adorable woodland outfits, armed only with pillows and a great deal of heart, and when 2:53 triumphantly rolls around, the gorgeous shower of colored feathers is really unparalleled. Amidst trumpets and chanting the song ends...I hope only to be replayed again and again! Enjoy!
Seeing as the theme of the day seems to be 'paper' (not really, but's paper kites, just roll with it) I thought I'd share a lovely and tender new short film that Disney released 2 days ago which is wordless and floats amidst a nice background melody. It's the story of a boy, a girl and...I'll let you watch the rest :) It's really worth the watch and uses some pretty cool groundbreaking animation! Enjoy it here, the video is kind of secret I guess on youtube, so is unreachable by very mysterious! 

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