Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Local Natives: Hummingbird!

This band seems intimately tied to my life. Their songs make up some of my favorite works of music in existence, they were my very first blog-post, and part of the wonderful soundscape that made me want to have a blog in the first place, they were the music that I awoke to on the morning after the so-called Mayan apocalypse, and now, here they stand as the soundtrack to the day where Coachella tickets go on sale and I may finally go to my first music festival! You Natives you! 

'Hummingbird', their new album is incredible. I've done two full listens in the last two hours, and it's a soul-cleansing, brain-blasting, toe-tapping, throat-warbling, song-listening experience! I have no idea what songs to post...Everything is at such a high level! I guess I'll do my best to pick out some choice miracles...
Nooooooo! 11-11, the song which is barely poking its lovely self above the rest of the stellar album isn't up anywhere...Guess you'll just have to go buy the album eh!? UPDATE: Everything's on soundcloud now, thank the music gods who live up in the soundclouds! Gosh darn it all! 11-11's a bonus track...still no luck!

'Bowery' is luckily up on youtube. Gosh, every song is just so poignant and powerful! This is no exception! 

'Colombia' is beautiful! All that's available right now is a live version on youtube, which still manages to amaze! Enjoy! 

And I guess I'll finish with 'Ceilings'...topping (see what I did there?) off this post about the sheer beauty of this album! 

Go forth and multiply! I mean, buy! Get it here!

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