Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daughter: Medicine (Sound Remedy Remix)

Damn you Sound Remedy! *shakes fist towards heavens* Literally. How do you do it!? You select the most amazing songs and make them THE MOST AMAZING SONGS! I'm calling cosmic B.S., there's just no way you're doing this without divine intervention. 

Daughter, if you've forgotten, is the amazing band that brought you the heartstring plucking--heck, heartstring power-chord destroying--song 'Youth' (refresh your memory here, it's well worth it!). After buying their album and loving the sweet sounds of Daughter, here I was thinking nothing could improve upon (or at least creatively take in a new direction) their masterpiece 'Medicine'.  

Sound Remedy: 1 Miles: 0. Proving again their amazing remix prowess, this mix of 'Medicine' rocks my world, makes me feel like I'm flying, and is just gorgeous. B-b-b-b-b-last this one and hear every little resonant tidbit and morsel therein. Ah! Magnifique! It's like an artisan bread with fancy cheese! Gobble it up with your ears now!

Also, don't forget to keep spreading the blog around, like the facebook page with the handy 'Like' button up and to your right (or through this link), check out my instagram with the 'View on instagram button' also up and to your right (I take pictures of plants from different angles and somehow think that makes me super hipster and's a generational disease, I'm convinced), and to become more involved by commenting on posts here, or sending me messages on facebook about bands, songs, or philosophical ramblings you'd like to see on the blog. Thank you all for listening and have the loveliest of thursdays!

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