Saturday, March 23, 2013

Kishi Bashi: Manchester (And an Indie Rant)

I'd like to share a quote with you all. Before I do, I'd like one and all to acknowledge that I hold intellectual property rights dear to my heart and that I never want to infringe upon or not give due credit to anyone on the blog...that said, I found this quote on a rough draft blog post from months ago, and, alas: past Miles failed to cite his sources. Oh how the John Hanlon's of the world would shake their heads! Whoever did say this quote, you and I are kindred spirits, and I use your words here out of respect and an appreciation for your eloquent expression for your love of all things indie. 

"Upon this day, I declare that Indie music is leaps and bounds more pure than anything else, and the term "Indie" means not that a band isn't mainstream, but that a band has been able to hold on to its roots, even through fame and fortune. While the wonderful thumps and womps of other genres get me grooving, it will always be the sui generis of Indie that guides me to the homeland. And for that -- I both thank it and applaud it -- for it has brought me great pleasure in the past and will so in the future."

Gorgeous words! Indie to me is so pure as well! There are no constraining limits, no bpm requirements, no wrong and no right. There is expression, and the rest is up to the listener. I find great joy, great solace, sadness, exultation, and everything in between in indie music and think much of it has defined a great deal of who I am. In short, Indie music is amazing!

In this same strain of indiedom, there is no human being more Indie than Leif Huot. I've already gone off on how epic he is in the last post inspired by his wonderful music discoveries (find it here), but Leif has really outdone himself this time. Leif showed me the incomparably indie Kishi Bashi ages ago in high school, but 'Manchester' has stayed with me ever since the fateful moment that Leif placed his headphones over my ears for my near-daily dive into the magical, mysterious, and unpredictable soundscape of Leif. 

This song is something else, and really seems to act as a nice definition of indie for me. It starts off orchestral, with little flourishes abounding in the background. Bashi's lovely voice slowly and crooningly emerges and proceeds to build to a swelling outbreak of joyfulness. Disintegrating again, harmonies begin to swirl about, and a myriad of instruments paint a music meadow I want to get lost in. Bashis' lyrics swell once more and the line, "I haven't been this alive in a long time" gently guide the listener lovingly into a smooth landing from a flight that passed far too quickly. But heck, my description can't match the song, hear it for yourself! Indie at its finest!
Not to be outdone by Leif of Music Past, Leif of Music Present shared one of the most amazing (if not the coolest music video) I've ever seen. The work that went into this...really incredible. Thanks so much Leif, and I am more than eager for whatever Leif of Music Future has in store for us...and the world.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank your Miles, your posts are always a delightful bedtime read around 3 in the morning. As time allows I have a lot more music to share with you! I, too, hope I can create a verbose musical feast of a blog like yours someday soon, soon, as well!
