Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lemâitre: Cut To Black

This evening I attended an inspirational talk by Jim Keady (the man who unveiled much of Nike's dire shortcomings when it comes to treatment of workers in their foreign sweatshops) and boy did he strike a powerful chord (get it? Musical still!) with me. He talked about basic human necessities and the only negligible dip in profits it would cause Nike (and basically every other company that makes ANYTHING we here in America consume) to make a profound change in their workers lives by offering a living wage, not a starving, denied-of-human-dignity wage. It was some powerful stuff, please check him out here or watch the video below, it's really worth your time, and makes us as consumers, athletes, and human beings be introspective. Like his Team Sweat facebook page here, and spread the word that Nike has NOT cleaned up their act and there is still great progress to be made. 

Whenever awesome inspirational speakers get me amped, invoke some serious guilt (good god, having access to a college education is SUCH a blessing that I take for granted), and remind me of the responsibilities of my generation, I thank the lord that for every abhorrent injustice, there is an electronic indie pop band out there spreading joy! 

Lemâitre is that band countering some of the darkness in our world with their light for today. Upbeat, inescapably catchy and with a wide array of influences, Lemâitre kills it! I bought 'Cut To Black' after literally the first 45 seconds of hearing it, that's how sure I was of its musical genius. Simple, uncluttered, and refreshing, I'm officially hooked on a band that I can't even begin to pronounce! Enjoy!

Once again, Here's 'Behind The Swoosh', a wonderful introduction to Jim Keady's continued battle with Nike over their inhumane practices. Literally just a taste of what he talked about!

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