Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Born Ruffians Concert: Born Ruffians, Moon King, and Avid Dancer

What a show! The Troubadour turned out to be just about the tiniest venue in the world, but it's not the size of the crowd, but the heart and soul of the music and spectators that matters. For all I know there were thousands of screaming fans behind us! 

The show began with a band called Avid Dancer, which I really, really, really enjoyed! Regrettably, they seem to somehow not exist beyond the confines of the theater...tragic! Sparkling and well delivered vocals, and they even brought on a guest saxophonist! Definitely someone to keep in the back of your mind for the fateful day when they realize the internet might be a good place to get their music out there...

Moon King. Hmm, where do I begin with this bunch? Their name's cathy, I'll give them that. While far from a bad set, they were no Avid Dancer (in fact they were more like avid squatters, for the frontman--whom we incidentally mistook for a hobo before the show began--was quite keen on squatting down as if preparing to defecate and procede to sing from that position). To their credit, they poured their selves into each song and were certainly high energy, just not for me. Perhaps I've not given them enough chance, so here's a song of theirs. Note: their recorded stuff sounds tranquil and laid back. Live they were anything but. I present their most popular song, 'Only Child'. 

Now Born Ruffians! They all seemed like awesome people, played awesome music, and provided for all an awesome time. They worked a subtle light show and a small venue like magicians and thanked the crowd for being their favorite of the tour! Some extremely zealous young hipsters started a massive (for this tiny theater mind you) indie (tame) mosh pit for the last few songs, which the Ruffians fed off of, true to their name! My personal favorite song was one of their newest, 'Needle', which echoes Fleet Foxes and is still completely their own: a wonderful song! Worth a purchase!

'With Her Shadow' was beautiful as well and a standout track!

And finally, a music video to give you a sense of the playfulness and fun these Canadian chaps possess!
Happy Tuesday! Be sure to check out the stream of Vampire Weekend's new album on iTunes (unless you're like me and refuse to listen to it until it is actually released).  

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