Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rasmus Faber & Syke'n'Sugarstarr: We Go Oh (Indie EDM?)

I can't believe I just missed a day. Here it is, 12:07, and I realize, "Heavens to Mergatroite! I've neglected to share any music with the world!" Well nevermore, I may have shirked my duty for one day, but I won't let it become two.
What can I say about Rasmus Faber & Syke'n'Sugarstarr? Well not much. Just getting that entire name out in one mouthful is a struggle. One thing I can tell you about him (them? her?) is that they know how to make a gorgeous song. Somehow masterfully blending the classic 'hipsters being vintage and ethereal in a forest' and a swelling progressive house, Avicci-esque beat, this song gets me going! It's like if Alesso and Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeroes got freaky with each other and made some sound babies. Basic lyrics that remain soul stirring, and a music video to match. Please, please, full screen this video and watch it with some degree of attention (as much attention as any teenager in this day and age is capable of). I'll admit, it took four listens of this song for me to even notice I'd heard a song. I was doing so many different things and was so unfocused that I had no idea it was over (and it kind of floats right by your consciousness with its well blended magnificence never becoming jarring or intrusive). Really though, the video is great, makes me want to do exactly what they do, and never come back. So good. Enjoy!
Sidenote: If you haven't checked out that Noosa 'Walk On By' remix (which you can find down below) yet, you need to do that now. I've had that on repeat the last few days. 

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