Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Honey Trees: Love & Loss

Please don't read this yet, just full screen the video and take 4:20 seconds out of your day to really listen, to really escape. Stop right now! You, yes you. I know you're continuing to read instead of finding some soulful soul-ace (like solace, get it?) in this truly gorgeous song. I myself often skip ahead through videos and feel as if I don't have time to give a full and honest listen to every song that someone posts on a website. Well I'm telling you right now, you really should spare your next four minutes, you'll be glad you did. I think the video, lyrics, and everything about the song says more than I can about this small, glorious wonder. Love and loss and hipsters and music and wow. Watch it!


  1. Thanks for helping me take a step back and relax. Hope California is as amazing as they say it is and that you are having a wonderful adventure.

  2. Anytime Sambo! California is blowing my mind with its wonderfulness! The adventure never stops! How's Michigan!?
