Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Two Door Cinema Club: Beacon (The Album)

If you're one of the sick and twisted people who didn't stay up until midnight to get this album the second it was released...I won't even say what I think of your sort, the blogosphere isn't ready for that level of profanity. I jest, I jest, I wasn't actually even able to listen all the way through the album until a run this afternoon because today happened to be the first day of classes. What demented school official schedules the first day of class on the same day as the release of Two Door Cinema Club's sophomore album? A cruel one, that's for sure. The forty-two minute collection of throbbing and beautiful perfection passes by in the blink of an eye. It's a pretty great blink though. I still need to give it some time to sink into my bones, simmer, and marinate until it's my favorite thing since Tourist History (their last album), but my preliminary impression of it is that it is still distinctly Two Door Cinema Club's signature sound, but that the entire album is not as single-minded in its pulsing beats, and explores more variation and vocal emphasis rather than...don't know how else to describe it...the head shaking, boom, boom, boom of their past work. I'm really enjoying it so far, and am already excited for what's ahead!
My favorite two tracks thus far are the opening and closing numbers, 'Next Year' and 'Remember My Name'.
'Next Year', shining like a beacon that will guide you into the musical escapade that awaits is awesome.  Just listen to it, and you'll fall in love.
'Remember My Name', both one of my favorites for its musical qualities and for its titles relevance here in the first few weeks of college, is great as well. Every song on the album is fantastic, and I highly suggest going and getting it ASAP! For some reason, Blogger won't find the video for this on youtube, so below is the link to the song...on youtube. :/ Enjoy, and go support Two Door Cinema Club!

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