Wednesday, February 20, 2013

David Vertesi: All Night, All Night, All Night

I'm pretty excited. I'm five views away from the blog having 10,000 views since it's creation. That may sound like a pretty small number, and it is in the grand scheme of things, but for spending no money, and promoting myself only through actual friends, I'm stoked! Tomorrow when I actually achieve the landmark, I'll tell you all the cool things I've learned (and that google analytics tells me), but I'd like to say a premature, "Thank You" to all the people who have supported me and taken the time to check out the music I love. Whether it's a daily routine or something you check once in a blue moon, knowing people care means the world to me! 
Many, MANY of the nights since I started the blog I've stayed up far too late discovering new music and writing these posts, and I guess this song is a tribute to that, and a promise for the future that, "All night, all day, always," I'll continue to strive to share some cool stuff that vibrates my ear drum in just the right way, and which hopefully finds that resonant frequency of your heart that makes you sit back and smile. Keep listening! I know I will! 

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