Monday, February 4, 2013

Sun City: High

You ever had that one amazingly genuine, remarkably deep, concerningly contemplative, stargazing, nordic skiing, gorp-eating, snowball-throwing, indie-music-listening, heck of a good friend? For all your sakes, I hope you've had a friend like Sam Wiswell. When he's not skiing like a champ, dancing like a maniac, or unravelling the fabric of the universe in the forest, he's discovering the most obscure yet auspicious music in existence and making it the soundtrack of his undoubtedly epic days! 

Well, a few days ago Sam had the compassion to share some of his hard found indie-gold, and boy did he strike a rich vein! I've been jamming out on Sun City's soundcloud page (conveniently right aqui) and it is like a Saudi Oil Prince's summer home (which I'm sure must be da bomb). These guys are great! And the best part? Over half their songs are free on their soundcloud--which is still right there on the hyperlink above for you reluctants--you wont regret checking them out! 

Enough hype, let's let Sambo's music speak for itself! And speak it does! I hereby present 'High', which is a lovely wintery music video and also a free download on their soundcloud for the low price of a facebook like! Really a stupendous song, accompanied by some cute kids in the wilderness. It's super hipster and slow for the first half, then becomes true to it's category of 'indie electronic' around 2:42. I really love the way the singer lets some words roll of his tongue, it's pleasant! Enjoy! 

I'll leave you with 'The Follower', which is my favorite so far. It has all the elements of a breakthrough hipster hit, floating amidst great background electronics. I'm in love! Thanks again Sam, I hope to somehow be privy to your musical meanderings again someday! Enjoy! 

1 comment:

  1. Truly honored by your words Miles. I didnt know about the soundcloud page before this post. You have made me a very happy man!
