Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Keane: She Has No Time

My Grandma said some striking words to me today. I had been playing music in the kitchen for about half an hour and she'd been slowly eating her food while I hyperactively did meaningless things on three different screens at once and invested all my time and energy into social networks and viral videos and the endless codswallop that consumes my life...ahem. ANYWAY, she looked up at me after a song and said (bear in mind that she says this slowly and in probably the most adorable way known to man), "That last one was smooth and creamy." I was so happy that a.) I wasn't just playing annoying racket for her and b.) that in my breathless search for new and cutting edge music, it's all just music, and some great sounds can transcend generation (and even the first smatterings of deafness). It was a beautiful moment! Then, to put the icing on the cake, a few minutes later, after I had retreated back into my headphone sheltered world of electronics, she said out of the blue, "It's like a calm sea with a tugboat coming through it. Toot, toot, toot!" 

I think I'll be deciphering the wisdom behind Ruth's words for countless years to come, but for now, I'd like to share something 'smooth and creamy' for all of you! 

I've been revisiting much of the music I listened to when I was younger in a big way, and heck, a lot of it was cheesy, but I still had good taste! Keane was one of my big favorites, and after years of them lying dormant in whatever land un-listened to MP3's frolic in, I'm hooked all over again! 'She Has No Time' is tender and sweet, tinged with sadness, and has been known to give some people 'the wubzies'. Enjoy! 

P.S. Forgive the weird picture and random soundcloud link...the music video for this was just too cheesy for me to put any of you good people through.

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